Due to the fact that all images on our website are generated by artificial intelligence, we are not considered a primary or secondary producer of the visual content found on this site in accordance with 18 U.S.C. § 2257. For Section 2257 records for any visual content found on this website, please direct your request to the producer, site or user which generated or uploaded the content.
Our website allows third parties to upload their own visual content, but we do not create the visual content ourselves. Therefore, we are not the "producers" of the visual content (primary or secondary) pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2257 and 28 CFR § 75. On the contrary, with respect to such visual content, we are simply transmitting, storing, retrieving, hosting, and/or formatting representations generated by artificial intelligence.
Therefore, we are exempt from record-keeping and labeling compliance with Section 2257.
Any visual content that we are notified of as being inappropriate, illegal, unlawful, harassing, offensive, or otherwise objectionable may be removed by us, and we ask users to flag any such content by emailing us or clicking the appropriate link on the visual content's webpage.
We undertake the following procedures to ensure compliance with Section 2257: (1) we require that all users, both those only accessing the website and those uploading visual content, be at least 18 years of age or the age of majority in their jurisdiction (if higher); and (2) we require that all users uploading visual content to the website represent and warrant that they have complied with Section 2257, including by ensuring that all persons appearing in the visual content are over the age of 18, that they have consented to the use of their artificially generated likeness, and that the user uploading the work is keeping records in compliance with Section 2257.
The contact information for the Section 2257 agent for each producer of the visual content found on this website is available on the page for such content and/or within the visual content itself. For any questions or assistance in finding a content provider's information for Section 2257 purposes, please contact support@pornderful.ai.